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by Jenna Jaco

TV still from Looney Tunes. Wile E. Coyote dangles from a tree ranch, smiling devilishly as he's about to drop an anvil.

In this one, the anvil sees stars.
It is, for once, the thunkee,
not the thunker! Watch it revel,
no death drop, just gettin’ squarshed.

It is, for once, the thunkee:
a pancakening, halo of birds.
No death drop, just gettin’ squarshed,  
then it’s off to the patisserie.

A pancakening, halo of birds,
the anvil ripples and pops, reforming,
then it’s off to the patisserie.
In this one, the anvil stops falling

from the truck of
anvils, the train car of
anvils, the crate marked
ANVILS, the heavens.

The anvil ripples and pops, reforming.
Not the thunker! Watch it revel.
In this one, the anvil stops falling.
In this one, the anvil sees stars.

In this one, the anvil sees stars.
It is, for once, the thunkee,
not the thunker! Watch it revel,
no death drop, just gettin’ squarshed.

It is, for once, the thunkee:
a pancakening, halo of birds.
No death drop, just gettin’ squarshed,  
then it’s off to the patisserie.

A pancakening, halo of birds,
the anvil ripples and pops, reforming,
then it’s off to the patisserie.
In this one, the anvil stops falling

from the truck of
anvils, the train car of
anvils, the crate marked
ANVILS, the heavens.

The anvil ripples and pops, reforming.
Not the thunker! Watch it revel.
In this one, the anvil stops falling.
In this one, the anvil sees stars.